Saturday, October 31, 2009

Random Thoughts, Pre-Wazzu in Ole San Antone

Ohio State uses their 12th game to play New Mexico State, one of the worst 5 or 6 teams in country per my numbers. Wisconsin used theirs to play Wofford, a team that Rose-Hulman probably would ignore, schedule-wise. Florida played Charleston Southern, who only sounds like a high school. Michigan vs. Eastern Michigan, Purdue plays at least 2 MACs every year, etc., etc., etc. So its OK for Notre Dame to play Western Michigan next year? That's just how it works now?

Times, they are a changing...

Wazzu is epically bad. And injured across the board to boot. Notre Dame 45 - Washington State 21. Get Dayne Crist plenty of snaps to prepare for next year (yes, I think JC, with visions of Sam Bradford in his head, packs it up after this year). Defense did enough vs. BC, barely, but I still can't get my arms totally around what's happening on that side of the ball. Whatever it is, it is going to keep us out of a BCS bowl game this year. We'll have to play a LOT better to beat either Pitt or Stanford on the road. Particularly worried about Stanford (stayed up late last weekend and did a little scouting). They looked a lot more physical on both the O- and D-lines vs. ASU, at least to my untrained eyes in a one-game sample.

I think 8-4 and a Gator Bowl bid is where this is heading.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Where's the Navy preview, IFP?