Wednesday, January 13, 2010


Hmmm...let's NCAA investigation of the entire USC athletic program is underway so the USC brass gets religion and self-imposes wildly harsh sanctions on its own basketball team, effectively tying current coach Kevin O'Neill to a corpse thanks to former coach Tim Floyd & OJ Mayo's "peeps." And Reggie Bush has reportedly already talked to the NCAA sniffers along with others connected to the Trojan football program.

Yup, on second thought, it probably is a good time to sneak out the back door, surprise everyone, and take that NFL job you said you weren't interested in, Pete Carroll. Don't bother packing up the office or saying goodbye to anyone. Leave the plaques and the trophies. Don't change your voice mail message. Don't walk...



Anonymous said...


In all seriousness, Lane Kiffin?

I know I'm biased because this punk sat next to me in homeroom in high school and every third sentence he spoke was about his dad Monte coaching the Vikings...

But what do people like about this guy? Is it his shameless coat-tailing? His ignorance to ethical reasoning? His obliviousness to history? Respect for loyalty? C'mon!

Chris Dezelan said...

I'm with you, Eric. I don't get it. I know the UT faithful are puking orange and burning furniture over this, but I can't help but believe they will be better off in 2-3 years because of this. Lane Kiffin obviously is a buzz maker, but is he a winner? Does anybody really know?

Here's hoping USC implodes under the weight of the NCAA inquiry. The Kiffins will both miss Knoxville when that happens!!

You went to HS with him???